Healthway Sponsorship

Country Football WA has partnered with Healthway to promote the Think Mental Health message for over 5 years to regional WA. 

As Premier Partners, the partnership provides opportunities to build football clubs’ capacity to respond to mental health concerns and create environments that support social inclusion and connectedness. This is supported through key messaging:

  • ...before it gets too much... Talk to a mate, or someone you care about.
  • Talking and listening are powerful; and
  • Mental health issues can affect anyone. It may be difficult at first but talking can help.

In addition to the Think Mental Health Round and "Talk to a Mate" BBQ, CFWA are commited to:

  • Identifying opportunities for education sessions in clubs
  • Rolling out the Thnk Mental Health Roadshow across the state
  • Continue the Bush Footy Legends podcast series; and 
  • Develop an online portal for the promotion of mental health.

As there is a link between alcohol and drug use and mental health, clubs are also be supported to develop strategies regarding responsible service of alcohol and reducing alcohol and drug related harm.

Think Mental Health is a state-wide public education campaign for all West Australians. The current campaign targets adults aged 18-54 and their family and friends with messages about the importance of talking and listening, and that mental health issues can affect anyone.

You an read more about Healthways and the Think Mental Health Campaign Here.


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