Think Mental Health Round
CFWA in partnerhip with Healthway promote the Think Mental Health Message throughout Country WA. In addition to other initiatives, all football clubs participate in the annual Think Mental Health round.
In 2024, Think Mental Health Round will be on the weekend of June 14th - 16th.
CFWA Expectations
- Provide cobranded footballs to be used for each League level game.
- Provide signage to be displayed around the ground and clubrooms
- Provide advertising and public announcement information prior to the event.
- Create state wide media awareness.
- Provide each league with funding to support their contributions.
League Expectations
- Naming rights of the round (i.e. Think Mental Health Round).
- Budget advertising where possible (copy provided by the CFWA prior to the event).
- Distribution of footballs to home clubs.
- Complete the funding acquittal form (provided with funding letter) and forward photos of the day.
Home Club Expectations
- Public announcements where possible (scripts to be provided by CFWA prior to the event).
- Read out message to players in the change rooms after each game.
- Present football to Best on Ground player.
- Acknowledgment of the Healthway sponsorship and messages throughout the year.
More information about Think Mental Health campaign can be found Here.